The story of an extremely talented and dynamic artist called Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945-1982) who dreams of making movies about the cold-hearted, archaic Federal German society and about the longing for respect and love of the outsiders. His fulminant rise to being one of the most important directors in Europe correlates with his mental and physical fall and his early death.
- Country:
- Germany, 2020
- Genre:
- Biografski / Biography
- Group:
- Main Competition
- Duration:
- 134’
- Director:
- Oskar Roehler
- Screenplay:
- Klaus Richter
- Cast:
- Oliver Masucci, Hary Prinz, Katja Riemann, Jochen Schropp, Erdal Yıldız, Markus Hering, Frida-Lovisa Hamann, André Hennicke, Christian Berkel, Eva Mattes, Alexander Scheer
- Festivals:
- 2020 – Hamburg, Moskva, Talin, Solun / Hamburg Film Festival, Moscow International Film Festival, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, Thessaloniki International Film Festival
- Cinematography:
- Carl-Friedrich Koschnick
- Editing:
- Hansjörg Weißbrich
- Music:
- Martin Todsharow
- Producers:
- Markus Zimmer, Stefan Arndt, Uwe Schott
- Production:
- Bavaria Filmproduktion, X Filme Creative Pool, WDR, BR, Arte
- Filmography:
- 2020 Enfant Terrible
2018 Herrliche Zeiten / Outmastered
2015 Tod den Hippies!! Es lebe der Punk! / Punk Berlin 1982
2013 Quellen des Lebens / Sources of Life / Izvori života
2010 Jud Süss - Film ohne Gewissen / Jew Suss:- Rise and Fall
2009 Lulu und Jimi / Lulu & Jimi
2006 Elementarteilchen / The Elementary Particles / Elementarne čestice
2004 Agnes und seine Brüder / Agnes and His Brothers
2003 Der alte Affe Angst / Angst
2001 Suck My Dick
2000 Die Unberührbare / No Placeto Go / Nedodirljiva
1997 Silvester Countdown - Rise and Fall
Time: 16:30
Price: 400 RSD
Kombank dvorana, Hall 1
Time: 09:00
Price: 250 RSD
Kombank dvorana, Hall 1
Time: 14:00
Price: 350 RSD
Dom omladine
Oskar Roehler (1959) is a German film director, screenwriter and journalist. Since the mid-1980s, he has been working as a screenwriter, for, among others. Since the early 1990s, he has also been working as a film director. For his film No Place to Go he won German Film Award (Lola) for best film. His other award winning films include Angst (2003), Agnes and His Brothers (2004) The Elementary Particles (2006), Jew Suss: Rise and Fall (2010) and Sources of Life (2012).
The life and the impact of iconic German New Wave director, Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Jonathan Romney, Screen Daily
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