John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, devotes his life to raising his 4-year-old son Michael, as the child’s mother left them immediately after his birth. Their life is a simple one, made up of universal daily rituals, a life of complete dedication and innocent love that reveals the strength of their relationship. But John only has a few months to live. Since he has no family to turn to, he will spend the days left to him looking for a perfect one to adopt Michael, trying to protect his child from the terrible reality.
- Country:
- Italy, Romania, UK, 2020
- Genre:
- Drama / Drama
- Group:
- FEST 48
- Duration:
- 96’
- Director:
- Uberto Pasolini
- Screenplay:
- Uberto Pasolini
- Cast:
- James Norton, Daniel Lamont, Chris Corrigan, Valerie Kane, Louise Matthews, Keith McErlean, Eileen O'Higgins
- Festivals:
- 2020 – Venecija, Cirih, Hamburg, Valjadolid, Varšava, Busan, Stokholm / Venice Film Festival, Zurich Film Festival, Hamburg Film Festival, Valladolid International Film Festival, Warsaw Film Festival, Busan International Film Festival, Stockholm International Film Festival
- Cinematography:
- Marius Panduru
- Editing:
- Masahiro Hirakubo, Saska Simpson
- Music:
- Andrew Simon McAllister
- Producers:
- Uberto Pasolini, Chris Martin, Cristian Nicolescu, Roberto Sessa
- Production:
- Picomedia, Red Wave Films, Digital Cube, Rai Cinema
- Distributer:
- MCF MegaCom Film
- Filmography:
- 2020 Nowhere Special / Nigde posebno
2013 Still Life
2008 Machan - Awards:
- 2020 - Valjadolid -nagrada publike; Varšava - nagrada publike / Valladolid International Film Festival - Audience Award; Warsaw International Film Festival - Audience Award
Time: 16:30
Price: 400 RSD
Cineplexx Galerija Belgrade - Hall IMAX
Time: 11:30
Price: 300 RSD
Kombank dvorana, Hall 1
Time: 11:00
Price: 250 RSD
Cineplexx Galerija Belgrade - Hall 3
Uberto Pasolini has worked in the film industry since 1983. He started as a unit runner and eventually became an independent producer when he founded his own production company, Redwave Films. Pasolini has produced several films, including The Full Monty (1997), which won many international awards. Machan is Pasolini's debut feature as a director.
Uberto Pasolini brings some extra tenderness to the Italian cinema, with a story about a young father who learns how to let go.
Marta Balaga, Cineuropa
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