Poppy Field follows the struggle of a young Romanian gendarme, Cristi, who tries to find the balance between two apparently opposing parts of his identity: that of a man working in a macho hierarchical environment and that of a closeted gay person who tries to keep his personal life a secret. While his long-distance French boyfriend, Hadi, is visiting him, Cristi is called in for an intervention at a movie theatre, where an ultra-nationalist, homophobic group has interrupted the screening of a queer film. After one of the protesters threatens to out him, Cristi spirals out of control.
- Country:
- Romania, 2020
- Genre:
- Drama / Drama
- Group:
- FEST Fokus
- Duration:
- 81’
- Director:
- Eugen Jebeleanu
- Screenplay:
- Ioana Moraru
- Cast:
- Conrad Mericoffer, Alexandru Potocean, Radouan Leflahi, Cendana Trifan, Ionut Niculae, Alex Calin, Rolando Matsangos, George Pistereanu,
- Festivals:
- 2020 – Talin, Hihon, Torino / Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, Gijón International Film Festival, Torino Film Festival 2021 – Glazgov / Glasgow Film Festival
- Cinematography:
- Marius Panduru
- Editing:
- Catalin Cristutiu
- Producer:
- Velvet Moraru
- Production:
- ICON production
- Filmography:
- 2020 Câmp de maci / Poppy Field / Polje maka
- Awards:
- 2020 - Hihon - AISGE nagrada za najboljeg glumca (Conrad Mericoffer); Torino - Nagrada grada Torina za najboljeg glumca (Conrad Mericoffer) / Gijón International Film Festival - AISGE Award for Best Actor (Conrad Mericoffer); Torino Film Festival - Prize of the City of Torino for Best Actor (Conrad Mericoffer)
Eugen Jebeleanu is a Romanian film and theatre actor and director. He was born in 1980 in Timisoara, Romania. He graduated from National University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography. Poppy Field (2020) is his feature debut.
A gay police officer in Romania is trapped in a fight between a personal and a professional.
Wendy Ide, Screen Daily
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